
Memon Medical Institute Hospital

When you visit a medical facility that is within the insurance company's network, the facility will bill the insurance company direct so you are never out of pocket. If you or one of your family members needs urgent medical care, having the right Health cover will protect you against any unexpected expenses. We have partnered with some of the most recognized insurance companies in Pakistan in order to bring you the best products in the marketplace today. Order online lab tests at discounted rates on the Dawaai website and application. We provide online patient reports and lab packages from CHS and Chughtai Labs. MMI Hospital has been serving thousands of patients through your Zakat and Sadqa funds over the last few years. All content and media on the Your Health Website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Doctors In Karachi